Please bring your completed forms to your scheduled appointment.
Please download the appropriate form as directed by your physician and/or staff by clicking on the name of the form. If you cannot access the form, please click on the Adobe icon. This will allow you to download this software, providing access to the forms. Please bring the completed form(s) with you to your scheduled visit. This will help expedite the registration process. Thank you.
The following forms are available for you to fill out online and print. Enter your information and print the forms and bring them to our office or you can fax them to us at (480) 237-9473.
If you cannot access the forms you can click on the icon to download the software:
Ready to Schedule a Consultation?
Get started today by completing our request form. If you have additional questions, contact us by phone or e-mail, and our trained staff will assist you to the best of our ability or have Dr. Tarlow address your question when appropriate.